What's in season?
Eat according to the seasons and enjoy food that is fresher, more flavorful, more packed with nutrition, less expensive and more environmentally friendly.
In August feast on sweet corn, summer apples, wild mushrooms, blackberries, blueberries, currants, eggplants, zuchinni, beets, carrots, leeks, cauliflower, cucumbers, garlic, artichokes, onions, tomatoes, peppers, peaches, grapes, melons, rose petals, mint, potatoes, radishes, sorrel, spinach, cress, basil, scallions, lettuces, crayfish and lobster. I have been busy making borscht, ratatouille, pesto and a giant apple pie with an oatmeal cookie dough crust - yum!
Great excuses for celebration
August 1st the Swiss National Day and from this year on it will also be celebrated as the day I finally became a Swedish (and European) citizen! Heja Sverige! This date also marks the start of Lammas or Lughnasadh, the ancient Celtic holiday that celebrates the wheat harvest and the last warm summer nights before the onset of autumn.
August 8th was the traditional opening day of crayfish fishing season in Sweden and August in Sweden would not be complete without at least one 'Kräftskiva'. This is an all-out crayfish themed party where dozens upon dozens of crayfish are consumed along with rather a lot of Swedish snaps. If you shudder at the mere thought of downing a snaps (like I do) you will be delighted to know that a bottle of good Alsatian Gewürztraminer matches the salty sweet, dill-infused Swedish-style crayfish perfectly.
Mid-month, August 12th this year, is when the annual Perseid meteor shower reaches its peak so plan a night of stargazing and see how many of the circa 60 shooting stars per hour you can spot.
August 21st is the 49th anniversary of Hawaii's statehood and a state holiday. Throw a luau in honor of the 50th state complete with mai tais, a pig roast, grass skirts, ukulele music, leis for all and a hula contest!
August 29th to 31st: If you happen to be in Helsingborg, Sweden in August then plan to visit Sofiero, our beautiful local castle, for the annual Sofiero Garden Show.
Fine words to sing out loudly in August
The Rigs O' Barley by Robert Burns, 1783
It was upon a Lammas night
When corn rigs are bonnie, O!
Beneath the moon's unclouded light
I held awa' to Annie, O!
The time flew by wi' tentless heed
Till 'tween the late and early, O!
Wi' smar' persuasion she agreed,
To see me thro' the barley, O!
Corn rigs and barley rigs
Corn rigs are bonnie
I'll ne'er forget that happy night
Amang the rigs wi' Annie, O!
The sky was blue, the wind was still
The moon was shining clearly, O!
I set her down wi' right good will
Amang the rigs o' barley, O!
I ken't her heart was a' my ain
I loved her most sincerely, O!
I kissed her owre and owre again
Amang the rigs o' barley, O!
Corn rigs and barley rigs
Corn rigs are bonnie
I'll ne'er forget that happy night
Amang the rigs wi' Annie, O!
I locked her in my fond embrace
Her heart was beating rarely, O!
My blessings on that happy place
Amang the rigs o' barley, O!
But by the moon and stars so bright
That shone that hour so clearly, O!
She aye shall bless that happy night
Amang the rigs o' barley, O!
Corn rigs and barley rigs
Corn rigs are bonnie
I'll ne'er forget that happy night
Amang the rigs wi' Annie, O!
I hae been blythe wi' comrades dear
I hae been merry drinkin', O!
I hae been joyful gath'rin' gear
I hae been happy thinkin', O!
But a' the pleasures e'er I saw
Tho' three times doubl'd fairly, O!
That happy night was worth them a'
Amang the rigs o' barley, O!
Corn rigs and barley rigs
Corn rigs are bonnie
I'll ne'er forget that happy night
Amang the rigs wi' Annie, O!
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